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This week, I feel as though I've accomplished Here are some things I've been tossing around in my head: Resistance and Belonging: A Bread Meditation by John Metta, on the On Being blog Questions it sparked:  What role is social media playing in my life? I often say I'm not as engaged in the community because I'm too busy, but how much of it is because I'm shying away from the uncomfortable? How much am I using social media and TV to check out because I'm "too" tired, charged, restless, over-stimulated, anxious, frustrated, hopeless, disconnected, . . . and lost? Energy of Attraction: Manifesting Your Best Life , by the Chopra Center's 21-Day Meditation Experience Questions it sparked:  What is it that I truly desire for myself? What do I want my life to look like? Beyond my life, who am I as an individual, and what kind of person do I want to be? In what ways am I limiting my authenticity, holding myself back from vulnerability? H...

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